Video Vintage synths

Fixing Missing Voices on a Roland Juno 6

I’ve had this Juno 6 for about 15 years, but for the last 8 or so years, 2 of the 6 voices have not worked – the 1st and 3rd note played after switching it on would give a slight dull click, and that’s it. This is a problem which seems to more often affect the 106, when the epoxy coated 80017A chips fail (In fact, I have this exact problem with my 106, which will be fixed soon with one of the clone chips from Analogue Renaissance) and so I found information on diagnosing and fixing this issue to be pretty  hard to find.

So, armed with a service manual that i got here:, I started to try to trace the signal to find out where the problem might lie.

In order to help me, I attached a pair of probes from my multimeter to a 1/4″ jack, so I could listen to what was going on. Obviously you should be extremely careful poking around inside a synth while it is switched on, be sure to steer well clear of the power supply circuit. Also bear in mind that I imagine it is entirely possible to cause damage to your amp or mixer etc if you send a huge current through it whilst poking around.

Anyways, from following the circuit diagram, I found that everything was as expected up until the signal reached the VCA stage, which is handled by the BA662 chip.

I had a look on ebay, and there are a few second hand ones available, but then I noticed a post on the e-licktronic forum (which I am frequenting while I troubleshoot my  Yocto TR-808 clone that I got from them), and I noticed that they had a post regarding a replacement BA662, which was actually a modified version of the more easily obtainable BA6110. Although no longer in production, it provided a link to a thread on the muffwiggler forums regarding a cloned BA662

I ordered a couple as soon as they were available, and today they arrived:

cloneBA662As you can see, they come without the pins attached, so that they can be used for applications where the PCB won’t support that size of pin.

Getting inside the Juno 6 is simple – there are two screws on each of the end cheeks, once these are out, the top of the synth hinges open. Once you’ve done this, you’ll see the power supply circuit over on the left, and then the big main board over on the right. the BA662s can be seen here:


Make a note, or even better take a photo of where all the connectors go..

connectors2(You’ll need to remove a screw which holds a cable tie retaining the cables above)

One you’ve removed the cables, remove the eight screws, (four along the top and four along the bottom) and you can lift the board out:

board_outNow use a solder sucker/pump (or solder braid if you prefer) to desolder the faulty BA662. This is a bit fiddly, but persevere – I found the best way was to add some fresh solder to each joint before sucking it off with the pump.


old_outAt this point, I used the pins supplied with the clone to clear the holes from the opposite side:

clear_HolesIt is much easier to do this without the chip attached, and from the underneath gives you much more space to apply a bit of heat to clear the way.

Once this is done, attach the legs to the chip. this is where the old BA662 comes in use one last time before being cast away:

attach_pinsSo now you can flip the board over and insert the clone – make a note of where pin 1 is – it is numbered on the board. Pin 1 on the BA662 is the one at the end with the notch. Make sure you put the clone chip in the same way:

put_inFlip it over and do your very best soldering:
solderedAt this point I popped the board back in the synth, quickly re-connected all the cables and switched it on…

SUCCESS! Voice one was now working.

So, I repeated the process with voice 3 and ended up with this:
both_inA quick test initially had some notes not sounding, and my heart sank.. However, once I realised that they weren’t always the same voices, but they were always the same keys, I pressed the keyboard connectors fully home, rather than the ‘not fully clicked’ state that I’d connected them in order to do a quick test.

And, for the first time in almost a decade, the Juno 6 was fully working once more.

I can hear no difference in the clone voices to the originals, and that was without having to do any calibration/balancing. Hats off to the guys at Open Music Labs.

Check out the quick test/demo at the top of the post.

Breaks Electronica Funk HipHop Instrumentals Mixes Rap Record Digging Remixes Samples Vintage synths

Eclectic Method – A Brief History of Sampling


A video remix journey through the history of sampling taking in some of the most noted breaks and riffs of the decades. A chronological journey from the Beatles’ use of the Mellotron in the 60s to the sample dense hiphop and dance music of the 80s and 90s. Each break is represented by a vibrating vinyl soundwave exploding into various tracks that sampled it, each re-use another chapter in the modern narrative.

Electronica Vintage synths

Yocto 808 TR-808 Clone unboxing


So the other day I received the Yocto 808 kit which I had on back order a while back. Basically, it is an exact clone (apart from I think one component) of the Roland TR-808. As you can see from the bag and bags of components, I have a massive task ahead of me, but I’m eager and I’ve already started, updates to follow.

Keep an eye on my progress here:

Check out the Yocto here:

Video Vintage synths

Moby’s Studio

Yeah… I’d like time to play with all of that gear..

Video Vintage synths

RJD2’s Studio

Ramble John Krohn (better known as the musician/producer RJD2) gives us a tour around his incredible home studio – while bakes us an  apple-raspberry cobbler while he’s at it…

His massive collection includes a Hammond, a fantastic Yamaha CS-80, a wall of modular synths, vintage synths, home built gear, effects, amps, and a ton of other enviable items.

Here’s a partial gear list:

Computer, DAW, recording hardware

  • Apple PowerBook G4 1 GHz computer
  • Digidesign Digi 002, Pro Tools|HD


  • SSL 4000 Series console

Synth, instruments, amps

  • Ampeg B-15R Portaflex bass combo amp
  • Casio CZ-1000 synth
  • GMedia GForce M-Tron plug-in
  • Farfisa Professional Piano
  • Elka Synthex
  • Fender Rhodes ca. 1973 (2), Twin guitar amp
  • Hammond M3 organ
  • Hohner Clavinet E7 electric piano
  • Yamaha CS-80 synth
  • Ibanez electric guitar ca. 1979
  • Moog Rogue synth
  • Nomad 49B combo organ
  • Oberheim OB-Xa synth
  • Rickenbacker 4001 bass
  • Sequential Circuits Prelude, Prophet-5 synths
  • Yamaha CS-40m synth
  • Vox AC15 and AC30 guitar combo amps
  • Wurlitzer electric piano (2)

Mics, effects, EQs, preamps

  • AKG D12E mic
  • Electro-Harmonix Octave Multiplexer, POG, Q-Tron and Small Stone effects pedals
  • Lexicon 480L digital reverb
  • Microtech Gefell UM71, UM75 mics
  • Neve 33115 EQs
  • Pultec EQ-P1
  • RCA BA21 preamps
  • Realistic cardioid mic
  • Royer R-121 ribbon mic
  • Universal Audio LA-2A compressor/leveling amp
  • Urei 1176 compressor/limiter


  • Alesis M1s
  • Yamaha NS10s
  • ProAc near-field monitors
Electronica Video Vintage synths

Synth Brittania

A documentary following a generation of post-punk musicians who took the synthesiser from the experimental fringes to the centre of the pop stage.

So much analogue gear….

Images Vintage synths

Have an Analogue Christmas!

Because nothing says ‘Festive Spirit’ like a load of vintage audio gear covered in fairy lights…